Energy related Products (ErP) directive – the package label
On 26th September 2015 the Energy related Products (ErP) directive from the EU comes into force. This regulation is for eco-design and energy labelling of all space and water heaters, and will be mandatory for all 28 countries in the EU. Compliance with the ErP Directive will be a requirement for all installers.
Ideal Boilers and all other boiler manufacturers will be responsible for ensuring their products comply with the new regulations, and those that do comply will show the CE mark.
The regulation sets out specific labelling measures (on boilers with an output of up to 70kW) which will mean consumers will be able to compare the energy efficiency of the products to reduce their energy consumption. Energy efficiency labels will be supplied with the products and a standard table of information relating to that product, known as a ‘fiche’.
There are a few points to remember with regard to labelling, systems and calculations. If you are supplying a complete heating system, you will be responsible for creating and providing homeowners with the energy efficiency package label and fiche.
A ‘package label’ must be produced when selected components are installed together, however, you will not need to supply a ‘package’ label if you are only installing a boiler or a boiler plus hot water cylinder, as these are not defined as ‘packages’ or ‘systems’ under the directive.
Whether an installation requires a ‘system’ calculation simply depends on whether it meets one of two definitions of a package as given by the directive:
A space heater plus a temperature control device and/or a solar device, OR
A water heater and a solar device
(Please note that conventional cylinders are not included, neither are radiators or pumps. Pumps are individually rated.)
As manufacturers will have to supply the energy efficiency figures for their products, calculating the whole system efficiency will be as simple as adding together the different percentages of the components used in the system to generate an overall figure. You can find the information in the product fiches supplied by manufacturers in the installation manuals. The total will then translate into ratings familiar to consumers from their TVs and household goods energy labels.
Controls will not carry an ErP label but play an important part in the calculation and rating of a package. Controls are classified into eight groups, each of which is allocated a percentage score.
For example, an Ideal Vogue 26kW Combi boiler has an energy efficiency figure of 93%, if installed with Class 8 controls an additional 5% can be added, to give a total of 98% which translates into an A+ rated system.
If solar thermal panels and a solar cylinder are added to this simple heating system, the installer will need to add the percentages given in the manufacturer product fiches.
We are currently developing a dedicated web page for installers to calculate and generate package labels – watch this space for more information!
Our Customer Services team will also be available to give advice on ErP and to provide additional support as required.
If you have any queries just contact our Technical Customer Services team on 01482 498663