Five reasons to join Installer Connect
Installer Connect is one of the most rewarding loyalty schemes in the industry, with features and benefits tailored specifically for you. The harder you work installing Ideal boilers, the harder we work for you, helping to support your business and rewarding loyalty. There are loads of great options to grow your business, extend your expertise and treat yourself or someone else, but here are the top 5 reasons why you should sign up to Installer Connect:
1) A Great Choice of Rewards
Installer Connect is different to other loyalty schemes because you can exchange your points for anything from holiday vouchers, experience days, to gadgets and tools for the job. Here are just a few examples of the variety of things our installers have exchanged their points for:
Hot air balloon ride
Flying lessons
Ferrari track day/rally driving
Spa retreat and afternoon tea for two
VIP tickets to see a premiership team of choice
The view from The Shard and a meal for two at Marco Pierre White's restaurant
Macbook Air 13
Tag Heur Gents Formula 1 watch
Wrench kits, gas analysers, Ideal flushing adapter kits
Pre-paid Mastercard loaded with funds to spend anywhere that accepts Mastercard
2) Free resources
We’ll also throw in FREE Gas Safe notifications, handy ErP calculator and package label generator, simple parts and labour warranty registrations, FREE installer profile and unlimited access to Ideal Boilers’ dedicated support team.
3) Training and support
Our dedicated Tech Coaches and Area Sales Managers are on hand to offer technical and sales support out in the field, whenever you need it. Support is also available by phone, email and web to help you get the most out of your Installer Connect membership. By signing up to Installer Connect you will also gain access to training courses covering our domestic, light commercial and commercial boilers as well as legislation and regulation-based courses. Find out more here.
4) New and improved app
The brand-new Installer Connect app is now here and available for download. It’s been updated to integrate seamlessly with the online Installer Connect system and allows Installer Connect members to:
Register boilers on site using a serial number scanner
Register filters and controls with your boiler registration
Start multiple boiler registrations and save to finish later
View your registration history
To get the app on your mobile device, visit the Apple or Google Play Store and search for Installer Connect.
5) Exchange points for luxury workwear items
Axinite are a premium workwear brand providing reliable, robust workwear for the professional tradesman. They take the hassle out of getting your workwear customised and are one of the only workwear brands to take care of your gear from the first cut of the fabric to the last stitch of your logo. By becoming a member of Installer Connect you can use your well-earned points to exchange for customisable Axinite workwear such as polo shirts, jackets and body warmers as well as much more. Find out more here.
Sound good? It’s quick and easy to join Installer Connect, just click here and fill out the online form. We will contact you within 24 hours to confirm your membership and give you access to the exclusive members area.