Social Housing service timer
Gaining access to a property to perform the legally required annual boiler service and gas safety check is often a real challenge for Social Housing providers as some tenants are reluctant to grant access for this purpose. The resulting legal action required to gain access can be time consuming and costly. Ideal’s solution is a service timer feature which can be set to advise the user that the boiler needs servicing.
Once the feature is activated, the boiler flashes an ‘SE’ code on the digital display after a pre-defined time to show that a service is required. It can also be set to restrict operation of the boiler to minimum output to cause some discomfort to the tenant without compromising their safety. This should encourage the tenant to report an issue with the boiler and hopefully grant access to the property.
Since November 2018 all Ideal Logic Combi (C, ESP1 and Code), System S and Heat H boilers have this service timer feature, added at the request of Social Housing customers, which advises the user that the boiler needs servicing.
Revised software on the PCB allows the service timer functionality to be set during commissioning or servicing. The default setting is that service mode is not activated. The installer or engineer can put the boiler into service mode using the additional settings at the end of the installation menu:
Mode 1 shows service due indication (‘SE’ on display) but boiler operation is not affected
Mode 2 limits DHW to minimum temperature (for Combis)
Mode 3 limits DHW and CH to minimum temperature (for combis, heat and system boilers)
The activation period can be set from 38 to 52 weeks.
The service timer feature is mentioned briefly in the installation and user instructions, advising what might be shown on the display and to contact the service organisation, which is usually the Social Housing provider. A separate instruction sheet explaining what the service timer is and how it is set is supplied separately, as required.
For easy identify boilers with the service timer feature have an ST or 8C icon on the box label:
The full list of boilers which now have the service timer feature added is as follows:
Logic Combi C24, C30, C35, C24IE, C30IE and C35IE
Logic Combi ESP1 24, 30 and 35
Logic Code Combi ESP1 26, 33 and 38
Logic Heat H12, H15, H18, H24, H30, H12IE, H15IE, H18IE, H24IE and H30IE
Logic System S15, S18, S24, S30, S15IE, S18IE, S24IE and S30IE
The service timer feature does not apply to the Logic+ and Logic MAX boilers.
It is important to advise customers and users that these products are fitted with an automatic control mechanism which can be activated, and which if activated reduces the performance of this product if it is not serviced annually