Energy related products (ErP): how do you fill in a fiche?
ErP recap
As many of you will now be aware, on 26th September 2015 the Energy related Products (ErP) directive from the EU comes into force. These regulations are for ecodesign and energy labelling and apply to all space and water heaters. The legislation will be mandatory for all 28 countries in the EU. Monitoring of compliance will be the responsibility of the National Measurement Office (NMO). Compliance with the regulations will be compulsory, therefore you must be aware of your responsibilities and be compliant with them.
The regulations are in two parts: ecodesign and energy labelling. Ecodesign defines minimum levels of efficiency for boilers with an output of up to 400kW. We are responsible for ensuring our products comply with the new regulations and they will show the CE mark.
Energy labelling (on boilers with an output of up to 70kW, which covers most domestic boilers) will mean homeowners can compare the energy efficiency of products to help them reduce their energy consumption. We are responsible for supplying labels for our products and a standard table of information relating to that product, known as a ‘fiche’, which is now included in all our product manuals.
In this final blog we’ll be looking at how to fill in a whole heating package fiche.
System calculations & package label
You will not need to supply a ‘package’ label if you are only installing a boiler or a boiler plus hot water cylinder, as these are not defined as ‘packages’ or ‘systems’ under the directive.
If you are supplying a complete heating system, for example, you will be responsible for creating and providing householders with the Energy Label and fiche.
An installation requires a ‘system’ calculation if it meets one of two definitions of a package as given by the directive below:
A space heater plus a temperature control device and/or a solar device, OR
A water heater and a solar device
(Conventional cylinders are not included, neither are radiators or pumps. Pumps are individually rated.)
Boiler + controls = system
You will be able to use the energy efficiency figures supplied for (and with) our products to calculate the whole system efficiency on the product fiche. For a standard boiler plus control installation, this will be as simple as adding together the different percentages of the components used in the system to generate an overall figure. The total will then translate into ratings already familiar to consumers on products such as TVs and household goods.
Controls will not carry an ErP label but play an important part in the calculation and rating of a package. Controls are classified into eight groups, each of which is allocated a percentage score, ranging from Class I (a simple on/off room thermostat) through to Class VIII (multi-sensor room control for use with modulating heating appliances).
Filling in the boxes
You can use our online ErP calculator & label generator or if it is easier, download calculation forms from our website.
As an example calculation we have used an Ideal Vogue 26kW Combi boiler which has a seasonal space heating efficiency figure of 93%, this figure is put into the boiler box on the calculation form.
If this is installed with Class VIII controls an additional 5% can be added to the controls box on the form.
This will then give a total of 98% which translates into an A+ rated system.
The package label ‘A+’ can be printed out and with the completed fiche handed to the homeowner to keep with their other important household documents. It can also be e-mailed or sent via picture message.
If solar thermal panels and a solar cylinder are added to this simple heating system, you will need to add the percentages given in the relevant product fiches.
Ideal support
In addition to our online calculator, the Ideal customer service team is fully trained to give advice on ErP, and to provide additional support as required on 01482 498660. Or you can view our video on our YouTube channel: youtube.com/user/IdealHeatingLtd.
For more information, follow the links below:
Energy Saving Trust
European Heat Pump Association
Ideal Boilers