Ideal Heating news & blog
Keeping you up to date with all the latest goings on here at Ideal Heating.
10 eco-friendly methods & ideas for New Build homes
Blog01 October 2021It's likely that if you’re planning to construct your home from scratch you will have considered building an eco home. Throughout 2021, many of us have become more conscious about our carbon footprint and the impact we are having on the planet.Read moreEPC Ratings: What are they & how to improve yours
Blog04 August 2021Energy Performance Certificates are an essential part of buying, selling and renting your home in the UK. This rating is a review of your property’s efficiency, which can be used to understand your home’s CO2 emissions and how much your energy bill is likely to cost your household. Read more10 ways to reduce your plastic waste
Blog21 July 2021It’s time to go greener and reduce your plastic waste! Why not take part in Plastic Free July? It’s a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution, meaning we can have cleaner streets, oceans and communities. Read more5 eco heating solutions to reduce your home’s carbon footprint
Blog16 July 2021In this blog, we’ll look at sustainable home heating solutions that can make a positive impact on your carbon footprint. We’ll answer your questions about emerging eco-friendly technologies like heat pumps, as well as exploring other ways you can make a difference, like insulating your home or using green energy suppliers.Read more