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Ideal Heating
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Help Guides

  • What does it mean when the '0' is displayed on the boiler screen?

    When ‘0’ is displayed on the boiler screen it means the boiler is on standby. This means the boiler is not receiving a demand from either the hot water or central heating.

    Still need further guidance with your Ideal boiler? Why not browse our boiler help guides or call our Technical Support team on 01482 498663?

  • How do I reset to remove my service message?

    On the older range of Ideal boilers, you can reset your boiler to remove the service message by holding the mode dial in the reset position for 3 seconds.

    For the newer range of Ideal boilers, such as Logic+ and Vogue, this can be done by either pushing the reset button underneath the display, or going into the menu settings on the display. 

    If you’re still having problems with resetting your boiler then please take a read of the user guide for your specific appliance or call our Technical Support team on 01482 498663.

  • What controls are compatible with my boiler?

    Any controls that work on 240 Vac can be used alongside our current range of boilers. The Logic and Vogue range can also be controlled by OpenTherm technology. For more information regarding this you can contact our customer services team on 01482 498660.

  • How do I set my timer up?

    User guides for our current programmers can be found under the literature section of our website in PDF format. They explain how to set times, temperatures and alternative functions.

  • Why can't I get hot water?

    If you’re unable to receive hot water from your boiler, there are two different methods to follow depending on the type of boiler you own. Combi Boilers: On an Ideal combi boiler you should firstly check that the hot water temperature is turned up on the front. From here, you should check that the isolation valve underneath the boiler on the cold mains pipe is vertical/open. If this still doesn’t solve your problem it is likely there is an issue within the appliance. Heat Only & System Boilers: On either a heat only boiler or a system boiler, if the central heating works and the hot water does not then this is likely a system problem; possibly a zone valve not operating. If neither of these methods solves your problem then please call our Technical Support team on 01482 498663

  • What does L5 mean?

    This means there is a problem with the return. To reset this turn the boiler off at the wall (fuse spur) for a couple of seconds then back on again. If the boiler fails to operate then please contact Ideal or alternatively a Gas Safe Registered Engineer if outside of the warranty period.

  • Where do I find my serial number?

    The serial number is displayed on a barcoded sticker located at the top of the boiler. Alternatively, it should be present on the Benchmark certificate completed by the installer when the boiler was fitted. If you require further assistance please contact our Customer Services department on 01482 498660.

  • What does it mean when the 'C' is displayed on the boiler screen?

    When 'C' is displayed on your boiler screen it means the boiler has a central heating demand. Still need further guidance with your Ideal boiler? Why not browse our boiler help guides or call our Technical Support team on 01482 498663?

    Learn more

  • What does it mean when 'D' is displayed on the boiler screen?

    When 'D' is displayed on your boiler screen it means your boiler has fired up for a hot water demand. Still need further guidance with your Ideal boiler? Why not browse our boiler help guides or call our Technical Support team

    Learn more

  • What does pre heat mean?

    ‘Pre-heat’ is a function that is designed to provide you with instant hot water when required. It works by infrequently heating the plate heat exchanger so that when hot water is requested it is already heated. This feature is not compulsory however, if not selected can take a few minutes before the hot water is at the appropriate temperature.

  • What is 'Pluming'?

    Pluming is the effect seen from the flue on modern condensing boilers, it appears as a white "steam like" discharge from the flue. It’s a result of modern high efficiency boilers running at a cooler temperature than older, less efficient boilers did. It is safe however, there are a range of flue additions to remove the plume from the area. For further advice on this please either speak to your installer or call our Customer Services department on 01482 498660.

  • What are differences between a Combi, System and Heat boiler?

    A condensing boiler is a high efficiency boiler which runs at a lower temperature than older, traditional style boilers. It recovers energy through, what is termed, 'Latent Heat'. When the burned fuel products cool they turn in to a liquid and create condensation. 

    • A Combi boiler provides both heating and hot water instantly. 

    • A system boiler is designed to work with a cylinder to provide hot water as it does not have the hot water heat exchanger. It contains an expansion vessel and pump allowing the boiler to be installed in a sealed system. 

    • A Heat only boiler is the simplest type of boiler. It can be used on either an open vented system, which has a tank in the loft, or in a sealed system with the addition of an external pump and expansion vessel. Hot water is provided by using a cylinder.

  • How do I get a new installation/user manual?

    These are available to download in the form of a PDF file from our website free of charge. These can be found here.

  • Which boiler is the equivalent to the one I have?

    There is a tool available on our website which gives you a guide on what boiler would be best suit for your home. It asks for brief information on your home and then generates suggestions based on your input.

  • Should I Leave My Boiler On or Off If I'm Going on Holiday

    If you’re spending some time away from home this winter and aren’t sure what to do with your boiler, we’ve got you covered.

    The simple answer is to always keep your boiler running when you’re away, because in the event of very cold temperatures your pipes can freeze up outside. The best thing to do is to lower the temperature on your thermostat so that there won’t be as much of a demand. 

    There’s no need to worry about the boiler operating unattended. Any boiler installed after 1996 must be fitted with a safety mechanism that shuts down if there are any major faults with the boiler. Leaving your boiler on standby mode can also reduce the risk of parts seizing up inside it, which is another reason why you shouldn’t simply switch it off.

    If you have a Halo Combi Wi-Fi thermostat, you can access an easy-to-use holiday mode which allows you to switch off your preset heating schedule for however long you’ll be away from home.